21-23 AUGUST 2025

Day Tripping

You don’t have to camp at Mundiville to attend the Mundi Mundi Bash. You may prefer to stay in Broken Hill and commute to Mundiville each day via transfer bus or self drive.


Day trippers can come and go from Day Parking on concert days from 8am – 10pm. Just tell the marshals you’re a day tripper and they’ll direct you to Day Parking.

Day trippers still need to follow the Mundiville Camp Rules.

Make sure you plan your Broken Hill accommodation in advance – town is likely to be busy, and accommodation options may book out early. Also make sure that you know about safe Outback Driving since you’re likely to be driving on outback roads at night.

transfer bus

A transfer bus will run on concert days between Broken Hill and Mundiville to cater for day trippers that are staying in Broken Hill, and want someone else to do the driving! Please refer to the 2024 bus timetable below for details. The 2025 bus timetable will be available closer to the event date. Remember, capacity is limited, and pre-bookings are essential.

Silverton Hotel Shuttle

A shuttle bus will run between Mundiville and Silverton for the duration of the Bash. This is a good option for those hoping to travel into town to collect supplies or have a look around.

Pricing and timetable below: