How to get help if there's an emergency in MUNDIVILLE
There is no phone reception in Mundiville, so if you need emergency assistance from Medical – Fire – Police – Security:
- Use CB CHANNEL 5 on your car or handheld CB radio
- Call “Event Control” ANYTIME 24/7
- Make sure you know your location. Use the GPS map on the Bash App, street signs and the number on your nearest toilet block.
- Follow instructions from Event Control. The operator may ask you to flag your location by putting your vehicle’s hazard lights on, or sending someone to signal to emergency services when they arrive. Stay where you are if it is safe to do so. Help will come to you.
- CB5 is for EMERGENCY USE ONLY. Please help us keep CB5 open by using another channel for day-to-day communication.
Background on our emergency services
Mundiville on the Mundi Mundi Plains will be as big as many country towns. When we put together our emergency response team, we draw on years of experience working with emergency services at the remote Birdsville Big Red Bash, and other events across remote and rural Australia. We work with experts from the surrounding district and our own professional crew to set up the remote emergency services that support the Bash.
Our medical team comprises doctors, nurses and first aiders with years of experience looking after people at events in remote areas. Over the years we’ve built great relationships with the supporting services near our events including the local area health networks, ambulance, hospitals and government agencies.
For the Mundi Mundi Bash we bring the same team of great medical staff, working out of a well-equipped medical centre and supported by on-site Paramedics from Ambulance NSW and the nearby large hospital at Broken Hill.

We have a stand-by team of qualified firefighters (current and past) drawn from professional and volunteer fire services. We undergo team training together with our firefighting truck before the Bash gets going.
The team works out of a dedicated fire truck; it’s actually one of our larger transport trucks that’s repurposed with 3000 litres of water, a dedicated fire pump and other firefighting equipment. You’ll spot this truck sitting near the Event Control Tent, always at the ready to head into the campground if there’s a fire. We also have a nearby reservoir as a backup water supply and a couple of other tanker trucks in the campground that can be used to fight fires or bring more water.
The experienced and friendly security team is supported by a team from NSW Police, brought in from Broken Hill and surrounding towns and cities.
We have a great record of good behaviour at Bash events – the crowd is only there to have fun and be respectful of each other. As a result, most of our involvement with Police is help with lost children, the occasional lost adult (!) and encouraging safe driving to get there and back.
The police presence on the road helps remind drivers to do the right thing – during August, the roads leading to the Bash are some of the highest-policed Highway Patrol areas in the State! It’s definitely no place for speeding, DUI or silly behaviour.

Our animal-loving friends at the Mundi Mundi Bash are in for a treat this year! Vets Beyond Borders is coming on board for the first time ever! These amazing vets will offer regular consultations and emergency care straight from their mobile clinic. They’ll carry necessary medications and perform minor procedures as needed, so we can rest easy knowing that our furry friends are in good hands.
Here’s what you need to know:
- Prices and opening hours to be confirmed.
- Located in the Mundiville Plaza. See the Festival Map for location details.
Treatments that will be available on-site:
- Consultations – general for initial assessment
- Wound treatment & management
- Minor stitch-ups under sedation/local anaesthetic
- Eye and ear conditions
- Lameness assessments
- Pain relief
- Infections
- Behaviour/anxiety issues eg. Noise phobias
- Intravenous fluids
- Skin conditions
Treatments that will be referred to Broken Hill:
- Radiology
- Ultrasound
- General Anaesthetics
- Surgery (apart from minor stitch-ups)
- Blood testing